Saturday, November 30, 2019

There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today Essay Example For Students

There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today Essay There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today. Most of the problems refer back to the differences in the students that undergo the education system. Some of these students are handicapped, some are not motivated either at home or by themselves, and some have learning disabilities. The world of learning disabilities is large and seems to receive the least amount of attention. Learning disabilities are apparent in some children while in others they remain hidden. One example of a learning disability exists in children that speak languages different from English, which is spoken the most in schools today. We will write a custom essay on There seem to be many problems within the American educational system today specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Children that speak different languages seem to have the most trouble in math because their memory works differently, their organizational skills are different and they lack the symbolic understanding that English speaking children possess. Psychologists have also found that there is a link to children with language disabilities, their mathematical skills, and their reading skills. This is especially seen in word problems. When solving story problems, children must understand complex language and solve problems presented in meaningful contexts. Jordan p. 569 The most apparent problem found amongst children that are language impaired is their symbolic understanding. This weakness is also found amongst children with other disabilities. The main problem with symbolic understanding is that the children do not seem to realize that things can stand for other things. They may fail to come to terms with the notion that one coin can stand for two other coins Grauberg p. 3 It is understood that children with a problem with symbolic understanding most likely suffer from other learning disabilities. Such children are most probably learning-impaired in a wider sense, but they are often found in special language units and in special schools for children with language impairments. Grauberg p. 3 Children who seem to have the most problems with symbolic understanding are the ones that are known as being semantic or pragmatic. These types of children are able to use the symbols that are numbers and letters. However, they can only use them as they learned them causing the children to be unable to see the symbols as constructs which, only stand for a meaning. In general, such children will have difficulty in applying acquired number skills to new situations. Grauberg p. 4 Some children with very large problems in language development seem to just give up on learning mathematical skills at a very early age. Here the problem of teacher interaction becomes a problem because if the teachers do not spend a lot of time helping and introducing the concepts of symbols to these students at very young ages the students will give up at fail at math later in the future. These children tend to become distracted very easily by their surroundings. Another problem found in the symbolic understanding is that the children may know a counting system very different to the one that they are learning at their present school. The confusion of the two number systems can be extremely large. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦children will have difficulty in accommodating their own, more global and non-verbal working symbol systemà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Grauberg p. 6 There are ways to help these children with learning mathematics. First, one must begin by concentrating on the cardinal aspect to numbers. Here the relationship between linguistic form and the content in small and simple. Some suggest working with terms that are in relation to numbers and amounts such as a little or a few. Before precisely specified quantities like three or four are introduced, it may be useful to work with large nonspecific quantities. Grauberg p. 9 The next step is to have the child associate specific amounts to the numbers such as five apples or seven shirts. Then, one should introduce the written symbols to the children. Some specialists believe that children should write the number and understand that before they speak the number. They suggest that the children will become familiar with the notion that a quantity can be labeled in writing Grauberg p15. Another issue that children with language developmental problems have is organization. The problem of organization relates itself to the other problems found in the children. A child with added language difficulties will have even greater problems because the strategy of talking a problem through while solving it- essential for most of us when organizing a problem solving situation- will not come naturally to him. Grauberg p. 61 Much like children with problems having to do with symbiotic understanding the children with organizational problems will be learning impaired in a much larger sense because while they may look or act as though they understand their work shows that they do not. Teachers can also use patterns to help them learn the symbols. The patterns strategy requires students to examine sequences of numbers or geometrical objects in search of some rul e that will allow them to extend the sequence indefinitely. 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The features are impulsiveness, lack of concentration, clumsiness, and lack of spatial ability. The impulsiveness is seen when the children continue to test their parents or teachers patience. They will not look further into given information, and they can not sort out the relevant from the irrelevant information. Just as in problems in symbolic understanding if the child does not understand the information or process it quickly enough they begin to show signs of a lack of concentration. Children so clumsiness because research has shown that children with a lack of organization physical movements seem slow and they appear to have no rhythm. This results in untidiness and a lack of clarityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Grauberg p. 62. Children with this issue have problems with math because they have problems sequencing, halving, sharing, and classifying the numbers. Children need to learn how to explore the various possibilities of grouping in order to make more efficient decisions having to do with organizing themselves. The main problem within the organizational problem is trying to sort out word problems. The relations between the numbers and words must be understood before the problem itself can be solved. Word problems are very complex even at the easiest level. some knowledge is needed in at least three different areas: the specific aspect of life in which the story takes place, the mathematical procedures that can be applied to the problem, and the logic and language of the story Grauberg p. 81. The area of spatial organization seems to be the hardest to teach children. There are serious doubts about methods and transfer and there seems to be very little information about the frequency and severity with which spatial disability occurs Grauberg p. 101. Spatial ability is the ability to see and understand the relationships between shapes, spaces, or areas. This area can be noticed in the childs early years as they play with toys dealing with shapes and placing. When dealing with word problems a t eacher should analyze the problem out loud. This allows the child to hear the breakdown of the word problem. Teachers should explain their thinking as they test the choice of schema and algorithm. Thomas p. 202 The final area that effects children with language impairments is memory. Early research on children with MD suggested that they were deficient in two areas of mathematical cognition: retrieval of number facts and the ability to solve story problems. Jordan p. 1 This area is directly related to organization. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦memory is organized and structured, and the more efficiently it is organized, the more successfully it will function Grauberg p. 124. Therefore if more problems lye in the childs organizational skills then more problems are bound to exist in their memory. There are at least two parts to a persons memory, long-term memory and short-term memory. Long-term memory has an unlimited amount of storage space however; one can not always recall what they are looking for from the storage space. What makes a teachers job so difficult with regards to long term memory is that all of the organization that goes on in the long term memory is done in a very personal way so, when recalling information it can be difficult to recall exact specifics. Learning matter can be offered in a way that the teacher considers well-organized and therefore likely to be remembered and easily produced, but it is by no means certain that all children will accept the organization and store it accordingly in their long-term memory. Grauberg p. 127 Short-term memory can also be called primary memory. It holds what we need for the present. Unfortunately the information that is stored in short term memory can very easily thrown away. Its content, supported by consciousness, can be easily accessed, altered and worked with; but, as the name suggests, any information stored in it is liable to fade away quickly. Grauberg p. 127 .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .postImageUrl , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:visited , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:active { border:0!important; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:active , .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461 .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9786049f59ceb0670fe27ecae2954461:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Odyssey Themes EssayThe short-term memory is also called the working memory because there is always room for more information. While memory might cause difficulty to language impaired children some feel as though it is not a prominent feature in these children others feel that the children can not seen to escape it. A weak memory I not a feature that is peculiar to children with language difficulties. Grauberg p. 130 Many teachers seem to complain that their students memory is their largest problem. One does not need to have been teaching a long time in a school with language impaired children to find that anchoring facts in long-term memory takes a lot of targeted effort; that the number of times which can be held in working memory is low, and that word-finding problems among the children are widespread and severe. Grauberg p. 130 The main problem that lies in children with language impairments is that they seem to have difficulties with vocabulary and auditory tests appear low. In reference to long-term memory and the childrens mathematical skills the children seems to have the most problem with learning to count. These difficulties may occur for a long time which, can affect all further number work. The children can not recall what certain numbers amount to and they have to keep learning the equation while normal children learn these amounts quicker. Short-term memory however, brings up other problems with mathematical skills. Children seem to have problems with all mental arithmetic. They will not be able to keep a number question in mind while they hear it, let alone while they think about it. Grauberg p. 131 Numerical problems in either written or oral form will give the children problems this is because they often forget the beginning before they get to the end. Following instructions is also a problem for children with language disabilities. The information that the teachers are looking for is unavailable to the students so they can not provide it fo r the teachers. While some of the first problems that occur with children who have difficulties with symbolic understanding share those problems that children with memory problems have. However, these problems are made worse by those with memory problems. Children with memory deficits may experience the same problems, but they are made worse because the children find it hard to remember the names of first numbers and, more importantly, they find it hard to remember the names in the right sequence. Grauberg p. 133 Much like the other problems that exist in these children the problem of memory can be helped. One has to realize that in both forms of retrieval problems help can only be very indirect; the child needs to learn strategies for self-help. Grauberg p. 160 of course this solution is easier said then done. The main idea is to turn a difficult free recall into a simpilier easier cued recall. This new cued recall can also be called recognition. Making up cue games is also a good way to help. The child can begin to recognize the numbers through their associations in the games. As seen above there are many problems within the educational system that seem to go unadvised. The main problems that occur in children with language disabilities are symbolic understanding, lack of organizational skills, and poor memory skills. These problems can be helped if teachers and parents are willing to put in the time and effort.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Assisted Suicide Essays - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics, Free Essays

Assisted Suicide Essays - Euthanasia, Medical Ethics, Free Essays Assisted Suicide Physician assisted suicide presents one of the greatest dilemmas to the medical profession. Should someone who is mentally competent, but deemed terminally ill, be allowed to engage in physician-assisted suicide? According to the First Amendment of The Constitution of The United States, one has the freedom to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The Fourteenth Amendment states, The State cannot deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. The group believes that a terminally ill patient has the Constitutional right to decide whether or not to end his or her life with the help of a licensed medical doctor. There have been many cases over the years where a terminally ill patient who is mentally competent has made the choice to either partake in physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia. Physician-assisted suicide occurs when the physician provides the patient with the means and/or knowledge to commit suicide(Death and Dying,91). Euthanasia is when the physician administers the death causing drug or agent(Death and Dying,92). The most recent case is that of The State of Florida v. Charles Hall. Charles Hall is dying of AIDS and challenged the State of Florida to let him die by a self-administered lethal injection without fear of prosecution( deathnet/open.html). On January 31, 1997, a Judge ruled that Charles Hall could take his own life with the aid of a doctor. Senior Judge S. Joseph Davis, brought in from Seminole County, found that Floridas strict privacy law and the equal protection clause in the U.S. Constitution entitled Hall, 35, and Dr. McIver to carry out an assisted death without fear of prosecution (Sun-Sentinel, 1A). On February 11, 1997, Charles Halls ruling was overturned by the Florida Supreme Court: he no longer has the right to end his ow n life. He will have to wait until May 9, 1997 until new arguments will be heard. Hall, who has been deemed mentally competent, contracted the virus in 1981 through a blood transfusion. Some of the complications he is encountering from the AIDS virus are arthritis, hepatitis, pneumonia and a brain cyst ( open.html). The Oregon Death with Dignity Act allows terminally ill adults who are mentally competent to ask for a prescription for medication for the purpose of ending his or her life in a humane and dignified manner( open.html). This act, Measure 16, was approved by the voters in 1994. Renewed efforts at the Legislative level to overturn Measure 16 may now be anticipated to prevent the law from being used( html). In June, 1990, the Supreme Court decided that the parents of 32 year old Nancy Beth Cruzan, who had been in a car accident and in what Doctors called a vegetative state for seven years, could not end her treatment. Later that same year, a Missouri Court ruled that the feeding tube could be removed after evidence that Cruzan would wish to terminate the treatment was proven. Nancy Beth Cruzan died twelve days later(Death and Dying,26). The First Amendment gives one the right to demand the correction of an injustice. Would one not consider a terminal illness an injustice? Charles Hall contracted this deadly disease from a blood transfusion not from shooting drugs or having unprotected sex. So wouldnt Hall be entitled to have this injustice corrected? The Fourteenth Amendment gives one the right to life, liberty, or property, without due process of law. However, is living with complications from a terminal illness, so severe that one is unable to function dependently, life? The government says that it is. Liberty is freedom, but is having complications which do not allow one to be free and independent, freedom? The government says once again that it is. Freedom is also having the ability to make choices. These choices should include the ability to decide to end ones own life when such complications exist. In conclusion, evidence has shown that the First and Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution entitles citizens o f the United States of America the right to die. The government was setup to govern, not to rule with absolute power. If the people were to keep silent about what

Friday, November 22, 2019

After Decades in Institutions, a Bumpy Journey to a New Life by Rachel Article

After Decades in Institutions, a Bumpy Journey to a New Life by Rachel L. Swarns The paper "After Decades in Institutions, a Bumpy Journey to a New Life by Rachel L. Swarns" is an exceptional example of an educational article review. In my mind, Rachel L. Swarns provides a great picture of both the positives and negatives of moving terminally ill patients from state hospitals back into society. While I understand the reason behind it, many older people have lived all their lives in specialized care homes, so they have no knowledge of the outside world. The people that should be moved out of state care could be younger people, say under the age of 30. Patients of this age are more likely to be able to integrate into society because they have more time to do so and have probably only been institutionalized for a few short years. This is not the same case with elder patients, such as Wally Burns, who is 51-years-old. Mr. Burns is at a stage in his life where he will not be able to reintegrate back into the community because he will not know how to handle it. One of the reasons for this is that life is very different from the 60s when Mr. Burns was a young boy. While I can understand why some states are implementing these measures, I feel that the process should be much slower so that time can be taken to help older patients find themselves in society. Patients like Wally Burns require a high level of care, a level of care that may not be met where Mr. Burns will end up.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Entrepreneurship and venture creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Entrepreneurship and venture creation - Essay Example In the current scenario, concept of entrepreneurship has expanded, in terms of including social and political activity. Entrepreneurs are often regarded as leaders who are even denoted as risk takers. These leaders undertake risks so as to accomplish set goals and explore market opportunities. Entrepreneurs are even inclined towards planning, employing and organizing resources. There are two forms of entrepreneurial skills – to improve upon existing product line or design a completely new product. Changing mind set is also observed within entrepreneurs and this leads to formation of social entrepreneur, knowledge entrepreneur, political entrepreneur, etc. Successful entrepreneurs basically possess two important attributes such as team building skills and management skills (Audretsch and Lehman, 2005). A new business idea is also generated by Marvin Hill as per the case study. Marvin Hill in present scenario is a multi-millionaire. He has been able to deliver creative ideas and develop solutions for market based problems. Marvin Hill had worked for Ford Motor Company since six years and then he decided to shift towards building his new business. He was determined to design computer aided software for providing assistance to engineering projects. This CAD software was a relief for many large scale organizations that undertake engineering projects. MarvCAD Inc., had been able to acquire desirable profit margins within few years of its incorporation. The company was more inclined towards addressing critical issues related to engineering products. Software quality designed by Marvin Hill was much higher and it was user friendly. Users could easily work with CAD in terms of facilitating search capabilities, visual, proprietary and website content, audio, etc. The different pieces of this software were highly customized and modularized. It enabled users to attach add-ins as and when required.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Design Awareness homework 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Design Awareness homework 2 - Assignment Example Several design elements have been applied in the design of Swiss International Air sign. Against the red colored background are the white name tag â€Å"Swiss† and a Plus sign at the bottom right corner. Strong red color has been used to enhance the readability of the elements of focus which are the name Swiss and the plus sign. Essentially, the designer sought to make the name Swiss dominant for the sake of identification of Swiss airline even at a distant. Maslow’s hierarchy has also been applied in this symbol. According to Maslow, a sign should first satisfy the basic purpose before progressing to other secondary needs. In this case, the main target was to identify the Swiss airline. Therefore, this explains why the â€Å"Swiss† name tag had to come before the plus sign which symbolically identifies, though not explicitly, that it is a plane. In addition, communication model has been applied in this sign. The â€Å"plus† sign is not just a decoration b ut further exemplifies the motto of the airline that their â€Å"sign is a promise†. Also, the plus sign symbolically communicates that it is an aero plane with front end, rear end and two wings. A tool is an object or a collection of objects that are used to perform a given task or rather for a particular vocation. They are normally designed in such a way that they enhance the ease and effectiveness at which the work in context is performed. The object in this case are kitchen cutlery used to peel off the outer coat of fruits such as oranges. Special emphasis has been laid on the handling of the equipment to reduce the efforts and risks involved in peeling off oranges. Unlike the handle of ordinary kitchen knives/equipment, the handles of these tools are threaded to increased firm or tight grip while performing the task at hand. The design element that has been exemplified in the grips of these kitchen cutlery is the shape. For example, at the point of the handle where the thumb and index finger grip

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Student resources Essay Example for Free

Student resources Essay Being an athlete comes with a very big price. Many people say collegiate student athletes have it just as hard as a normal college student. I have to disagree though. There are multiple examples that separate athletes from the regular or average student. Time constraints, stereotypes, class attendance, physical and emotional fatigue, and also the athletic sport the student is participating in, are just few of the many burdens athletes have on the shoulders that the common student does not. Although regular students do not have it easy, I just believe student athletes have an incredible responsibility to keep their grades up and do well in whichever sport they are partaking in. Athletes also have an enormous amount of pressure on them, because they have to represent their school in a very good way. Time is indeed one of the major obstacles between student athletes and academic success. The major student athlete time demands include games, travelling, film and video sessions, weight training, and injury or recovery treatment. Time affects everything from study time, to absolutely no free time. Being a football player, I can say from experience that time is your biggest enemy. It is always against you. Waking up for seven o’clock workouts, then going to having class immediately after, then going straight to practice after, then getting out late at night. There is very few hours left for study time. This process is an everyday cycle. Time has its biggest impact on studies and academics. For a student to learn, he or she must invest time and energy into the pursuit of learning. This demands effort, time, and commitment to being a student. The problem with all this is that student athletes don’t have the time, as do the regular students. Having to maintain good enough grades to stay eligible on the team is already a hard enough task due to no free time. Wanting to exceed and get all A’s and B’s is where athletes tend to struggle though. Normal students don’t have to worry about time being against them. They have class and then able to focus on school work. Another issue with student athletes is stereotypes. Stereotypes with athletes have to deal mostly with class professors. Unfortunately athletes carry around the label that they don’t care about school, and academics come after athletics. A lot of people put them in the category as arrogant and unfriendly. So not only do other students not want to be in class with them, but also none of the professors want the athletes in their class. Also, when athletes have to leave for games during the week these certain professors will count the student absent and give them zeros for whatever was due in class that day. So, it becomes very tough for the student athlete when the teacher doesn’t want to help or pass him or her. The fact of the matter is athletes want to succeed in all areas of the classroom, and that academics come first before anything we do on the field. Fatigue is an unending feeling in an athlete’s career. It has an impact on both the physical and mental state of the athlete. The cumulative physical toll throughout the academic year can potentially wreak havoc on a student athlete’s ability to concentrate on studies. Being sore, tired, and just plain worn out from either practice or games makes it hard for the student. It makes the student sloth and takes away any desire to do homework, for all he or she wants to do is rest and recuperate from the exhilarating exercise, training, and practice the athlete’s body takes on. Apart from the physical exhaustion, mental stress and weariness takes a huge toll on the athlete’s mind. Competition with other teammates or opposing teams leaves the mind tired all the time. Worrying about a starting spot on the team or not making errors on plays only hurts the weary mind. This causes the athlete to dose off in class or failure to complete assignments and turn in on time. In season performance in the classroom is lower than out of season performance, because of all the stress on the athlete both physically and mentally. Research shows the athletes graduate at a higher percentage than non-athletes. Also, looking at students highly involved in college is very successful during their years of college education. Therefore athletics can be tied in with this. Being very involved in and athletic sport helps the students learn better and teaches the student athlete how to organize and be responsible for one’s time and studies. I also believe that keeping the student busy with athletics can keep him or her out of trouble that the ordinary student can be faced with. Substance abuse is a huge deal with both athletes and non-athletes. Research shows though it is a much bigger deal with non-athletes though, and has a greater effect on the non-student  athlete’s life. In conclusion, I have to say that athletes take on a bigger challenge. I feel as if the athlete takes on the same as the regular student and the time consuming activity of their sport. Some will say the normal student will take harder classes or that he or she will be involved in extracurricular activities, but nothing is as time-consuming as a college sport. The time an athlete is given to get their academics done is in no range of what a non-athlete has to study and do school work. I am not making excuses though for the athlete to slack off just because the academics will be much tougher due to their dedication to athletics. I feel as if student athletes should go out of their way to engage with their professors to show them they want to learn and will respect them as a teacher. Studies also show that student engagement is related to positive outcomes such as persistence, better grades and college satisfaction. This leads to the number one motto for a student athlete, â€Å"student first, athlete second†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Geological Impact of Nuclear Testing at the Nevada Test Site Essay

The Geological Impact of Nuclear Testing at the Nevada Test Site The Nevada Test Site is an area designated by the United States Government for Nuclear Weapons testing. It is located in rural southern Nevada and is about the size of the State of Rhode Island. This location was founded in 1952 as one of 5 on land sites designated for this task. Above ground nuclear or atmospheric testing was conducted at the Nevada Test Site until 1958. There was a break in testing until the United States decided to begin underground testing in 1962. There were a total of 828 nuclear tests performed underground during these years. In 1963 a limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed by the United States that limited above ground tests world wide. These underground tests were performed until 1992, and nuclear testing in the United States seized all together in 1994 when the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed. The majority of the testing was conducted to further the efforts of the Cold War, as well as, to further general understanding of the effects and results of nu clear testing. This paper will discuss the history, geological aspects, and impacts of the Nevada Test Site on this and surrounding areas of Nevada. The history of atomic testing begins during the Second World War. The majority of testing during this period was done at the Los Alamos test site in New Mexico. All of the locations where testing was done have several key things that make them good locations for nuclear testing. They are all away from areas of large population density. For example the Nevada Test Site is 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas but has little or no population in the immediate area. They are also in areas where there is little or very deep ground water aquifer... ...ically impressive, the atomic reservations are bleak compounds of windowless concrete reactors and factories and hasty government-spec architecture: places frozen in the 1950s and 1960s. (Seattle Times Company 1995) Works Cited "Estimated Exposures and Thyroid Doses Received by the American People from Iodine-131 in Fallout Following Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests National Cancer Institute (NCI). 2002. June 2004. <> Eckel, Edwin B., ed. Nevada Test Site. Memoir 110 Boulder, CO: The Geological Society of America, 1968 Nevada Test Site. Global security.Org. 21 December 2002. June 2004. <> Part II The Nevada Test Site. The Seattle Times Web Edition. 1995. Seattle Times Company. June 2004. <>

Monday, November 11, 2019

Healthcare Industry

The global healthcare industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.7%. This is made possible by the leveraging of various analytics tools and practices by the healthcare providers for improving their operational efficiency. Source: http://www.thehealthcareanalytics.comUnited States is at the front of the growth, accounting for 65.84% which can be attributed to country's substantial investment in healthcare. Europe and Asia are on a path of steady growth with increased expenditure on technology, R;D and the emergence of Big Data. Source: http://www.thehealthcareanalytics.comThe volume of data available is expected to be increasing at an exponential rate in the years ahead. Current cumbersome techniques of evaluation will soon have to pave the way for advanced analytics. These techniques, which have the ability to process, act on, manage and distribute data from variety of sources, will become the backbone of the healthcare sector. With this evaluation, the vast health data will be better understood and more effective, real time, specific decisions can be taken. Source: Current SituationBefore discussing about the future, it is important to reflect upon the current scenario. After the introduction of Electronic Health Records (EHR), amount of data collected have gone up significantly, creating meta data that can be used for querying. Healthcare organizations have resorted to analytical tools to improve the efficiency of patient examination. With a wide range of information about patient's history, genetics and demographics, more customized quality care could be provided. More and more venture capitalists have started investing into healthcare analytics. However, healthcare organizations are a long way from making effective use of such information. Proper understanding about the vast applications of such a resource is still scarce. Differentiating between quality data and noise has been becoming more and more difficult. High cost of analytic solutions and lack of skilled professionals have been a pain point in many organizations. Leveraging bigdata analytics in healthcarePatient profile analytics: Analytics can be applied to the existing patient profiles to identify those who may need preventive care. Patients who are at a risk of developing a disease like diabetes can be helped with lifestyle changes and preventive care.Public health: By analysing the large amount of data available, disease patterns can be identified and outbreaks can be predicted by finding various correlations among the data points.Resource management: With the development of location tracking technologies like RFIDs, patients, staffs, instruments and other resources in the enterprise can be effectively tracked and managed on a real time basis.Fraud analysis: Hospitals on a daily basis receives large number of insurance claims. With the help of big data analytics, valid claims can be segregated out reducing wastage of time and resources.Genomic Analytics: Genes of an individual and high-powered computing are combined to produce personalize d treatments for each patient. Genetic disorders can be identified and target therapies can be developed.Real-Time health care: Various mobile applications are being developed that help individuals to manage their care in a personalized manner. Wearables are being developed that can effectively track the safety and monitor the conditions in real-time by analysing the large volumes of fast moving data.R & D: Predictive modelling and statistical methods can be used to improve clinical trials and finding the follow-on indications. Trial failures can be reduced and new product development can be given the push it demands.Concerns and mitigation strategiesData Integrity: The data in many situations comes from places with questionable data governance standards. Obtaining data that meets with the standards required for accurate use is one of the major ongoing battles in organizations. Lack of understanding of the usage of EHR (Electronic Healthcare Records) and importance of capturing qual ity data further adds to the lack of data quality.Future: Improvements in data capture by prioritizing valuable data types and educating clinicians about how to ensure that data is useful for downstream analytics are some of the ways forward.Filtering: Presence of inaccurate unwanted data (noise) can derail the effectiveness of the analytics system. The data, which comes from disparate data sources in multiple formats, unless acted upon properly will lead to inconsistency. Though Data cleaning, process of ensuring the datasets are consistent, accurate and relevant, are being done, most organizations still use inefficient manual methods. Future: IT vendors are now coming up with applications which use machine learning that use rules to filter and segregate data, which will make the process effective and affordableStorage: With the latest developments in technology, amount of data being generated and captured is increasing at an alarming rate. Even though most enterprises currently pr efer on premise data storage which has the advantage of having better control on security and access, it has become difficult to modify, scale and adapt to situations.Future: Many organizations are slowly shifting to cloud storage and various hybrid approaches to store their data. This provides a highly scalable, cost effective solution which provides ease of access.Security: With the recent episodes of high profile hackings, security breaches, ransomwares etc security has become a huge concern in this technological era.From a small action like leaving the laptop unsecured to highly sophisticated hacking, data is not safe in spite of many initiatives being taken.Future: Employees are being educated in transmission security, authentication protocols, and controls over access, integrity, and auditing. Procedures such as using latest anti-virus software, setting up firewalls, encrypting sensitive data, and using multi-factor authentication are some of the ways to prevent security attac ks. As we move forward in 2018, organizations will have to analyse much more complex and high-volume data. With the development of customized, highly efficient data analytics practices, organizations can make sense of the data and use it for providing efficient personalized care. Data integrity is bound to become the most important factor as effectiveness of data analytical methods are dependent on incorporation of error free, relevant data from quality sources.References1. 2. Healthcare Industry The global healthcare industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.7%. This is made possible by the leveraging of various analytics tools and practices by the healthcare providers for improving their operational efficiency. Source: http://www.thehealthcareanalytics.comUnited States is at the front of the growth, accounting for 65.84% which can be attributed to country's substantial investment in healthcare. Europe and Asia are on a path of steady growth with increased expenditure on technology, R;D and the emergence of Big Data. Source: http://www.thehealthcareanalytics.comThe volume of data available is expected to be increasing at an exponential rate in the years ahead. Current cumbersome techniques of evaluation will soon have to pave the way for advanced analytics. These techniques, which have the ability to process, act on, manage and distribute data from variety of sources, will become the backbone of the healthcare sector. With this evaluation, the vast health data will be better understood and more effective, real time, specific decisions can be taken. Source: Current SituationBefore discussing about the future, it is important to reflect upon the current scenario. After the introduction of Electronic Health Records (EHR), amount of data collected have gone up significantly, creating meta data that can be used for querying. Healthcare organizations have resorted to analytical tools to improve the efficiency of patient examination. With a wide range of information about patient's history, genetics and demographics, more customized quality care could be provided. More and more venture capitalists have started investing into healthcare analytics. However, healthcare organizations are a long way from making effective use of such information. Proper understanding about the vast applications of such a resource is still scarce. Differentiating between quality data and noise has been becoming more and more difficult. High cost of analytic solutions and lack of skilled professionals have been a pain point in many organizations. Leveraging bigdata analytics in healthcarePatient profile analytics: Analytics can be applied to the existing patient profiles to identify those who may need preventive care. Patients who are at a risk of developing a disease like diabetes can be helped with lifestyle changes and preventive care.Public health: By analysing the large amount of data available, disease patterns can be identified and outbreaks can be predicted by finding various correlations among the data points.Resource management: With the development of location tracking technologies like RFIDs, patients, staffs, instruments and other resources in the enterprise can be effectively tracked and managed on a real time basis.Fraud analysis: Hospitals on a daily basis receives large number of insurance claims. With the help of big data analytics, valid claims can be segregated out reducing wastage of time and resources.Genomic Analytics: Genes of an individual and high-powered computing are combined to produce personalize d treatments for each patient. Genetic disorders can be identified and target therapies can be developed.Real-Time health care: Various mobile applications are being developed that help individuals to manage their care in a personalized manner. Wearables are being developed that can effectively track the safety and monitor the conditions in real-time by analysing the large volumes of fast moving data.R & D: Predictive modelling and statistical methods can be used to improve clinical trials and finding the follow-on indications. Trial failures can be reduced and new product development can be given the push it demands.Concerns and mitigation strategiesData Integrity: The data in many situations comes from places with questionable data governance standards. Obtaining data that meets with the standards required for accurate use is one of the major ongoing battles in organizations. Lack of understanding of the usage of EHR (Electronic Healthcare Records) and importance of capturing qual ity data further adds to the lack of data quality.Future: Improvements in data capture by prioritizing valuable data types and educating clinicians about how to ensure that data is useful for downstream analytics are some of the ways forward.Filtering: Presence of inaccurate unwanted data (noise) can derail the effectiveness of the analytics system. The data, which comes from disparate data sources in multiple formats, unless acted upon properly will lead to inconsistency. Though Data cleaning, process of ensuring the datasets are consistent, accurate and relevant, are being done, most organizations still use inefficient manual methods. Future: IT vendors are now coming up with applications which use machine learning that use rules to filter and segregate data, which will make the process effective and affordableStorage: With the latest developments in technology, amount of data being generated and captured is increasing at an alarming rate. Even though most enterprises currently pr efer on premise data storage which has the advantage of having better control on security and access, it has become difficult to modify, scale and adapt to situations.Future: Many organizations are slowly shifting to cloud storage and various hybrid approaches to store their data. This provides a highly scalable, cost effective solution which provides ease of access.Security: With the recent episodes of high profile hackings, security breaches, ransomwares etc security has become a huge concern in this technological era.From a small action like leaving the laptop unsecured to highly sophisticated hacking, data is not safe in spite of many initiatives being taken.Future: Employees are being educated in transmission security, authentication protocols, and controls over access, integrity, and auditing. Procedures such as using latest anti-virus software, setting up firewalls, encrypting sensitive data, and using multi-factor authentication are some of the ways to prevent security attac ks. As we move forward in 2018, organizations will have to analyse much more complex and high-volume data. With the development of customized, highly efficient data analytics practices, organizations can make sense of the data and use it for providing efficient personalized care. Data integrity is bound to become the most important factor as effectiveness of data analytical methods are dependent on incorporation of error free, relevant data from quality sources.References1. 2.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Disaster Hit Japan Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Engineering Essay

IntroductionCatastrophe hit Japan Fukushima Daiichi atomic power station on March 11, 2011, Due to the broad release of radiation from the Chernobyl accident in 1986 and is far worse than the 1979 Three Mile Island accident in the United States. Unlike at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island, Fukushima devastation was initiated by natural catastrophes monolithic temblor and tsunami rather than equipment failure and human mistake. The tsunami knocked out the backup power systems needed to chill the reactors at the works, doing some of them to undergo runing fuel, H detonations and radioactive releases. Fukushima catastrophe surveies have identified alterations in the design, response actions, and other safety betterments that can be reduced or removed the sum of radiation released from the mill. As a consequence, Fukushima has prompted a re-examination of atomic safety demands around the universe, including the United States. Radioactive taint from the Fukushima works required the emptying of communities up to 25 stat mis off, which affects up to 100,000 people, many of them everlastingly banded from their places. Believed to hold prevented the transportation of radiation exposure among occupants of Nipponese regulative bounds in most instances. Near-term mortality and morbidity ensuing from radiation may non be believed ; even malignant neoplastic disease and other long-run wellness effects remain possible. Workers at the works exposed to radiation degrees far higher, with at least two suffered radiation Burnss on their pess after wading in contaminated H2O. Two other workers drown in the tsunami. Catastrophe recovery has absorbed on reconstructing the chilling systems at three of the most earnestly damaged reactors at the works six units and halt the radioactive emanations into air and H2O. The work has been affected by high radiation degrees in the works and the go oning terrible structural harm. Nipponese authorities declared December 16, 2011, that damaged the Fukushima reactors has reached â€Å" cold closure, † a milepost in the reactor chilling H2O is below the boiling temperature at atmospheric force per unit area. In the winter closing, the menace of progress releases of radioactive diminution may let some occupants to get down returning to the least contaminated emptying zone. Japan ‘s environment curate announced December 19, 2011 that about $ 15 billion was Provided for the taint of the works Fukushima Daiichi, an duty that has of all time occurred before. Complete decommissioning and leveling the works is expected to take 40 old ages, and the entire cost of catastrophes late expected by the commission of the Nipponese authorities exceeded $ 75 billion. Institute of Nuclear Power Operations ( INPO ) , a security organisation established by the U.S. atomic power industry after the Three Mile Island accident, publish a elaborate description of the Fukushima accident in November 2011. INPO study affords a timeline of actions taken in response to each unit Fukushima Daiichi works and the agreement of events taking to the chief reactor nucleus harm and radioactive release. It aims â€Å" to supply accurate, amalgamate beginning of information † about the event. However, the study notes, â€Å" Because of the extended harm at the site, some of the event inside informations are non known or have non been confirmed. The intent of this CRS study is to highlight facets of the Fukushima catastrophe that may bear on the safety of U.S. atomic workss and atomic energy policy in general. It gives a brief account of the Fukushima incident, including new inside informations provided by INPO studies, public discourse by the catastrophe, and a description of U.S. assistance given to Japan.DrumheadThe immense temblor and tsunami that struck Japan ‘s Fukushima Daiichi atomic power station on March 11, 2011, knocked out backup power systems that were needed to chill the reactors at the works, doing three of them to undergo fuel thaw, H detonations, and radioactive releases. Radioactive taint from the Fukushima works forced the emptying of communities up to 25 stat mis off and affected up to 100,000 occupants, although it did non do any immediate deceases. Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) operates the Fukushima atomic power composite in the Futaba territory of Fukushima prefecture in Northern Japan, dwelling of six atomic units at the Fukushima Daiichi station and four atomic units at the Fukushima Daini station. All the units at the Fukushima composite are boiling H2O reactors, with reactors 1 to 5 at the Fukushima Daiichi site being the General Electric Mark I design, which is besides used in the United States. The Fukushima Daiichi reactors entered commercial operation in the old ages from 1971 ( reactor 1 ) to 1979 ( reactor 6 ) . The Fukushima Daini reactors shut down automatically after the temblor and were able to keep sufficient chilling. When the temblor struck, Fukushima Daiichi units 1, 2, and 3 were bring forthing electricity and close down automatically. The temblor caused offsite power supplies to be lost, and backup Diesel generators started up every bit designed to provide backup power. However, the subsequent tsunami flooded the electrical switchgear for the Diesel generators, doing most AC power in units 1 to 4 to be lost. Because Unit 4 was undergoing a care closure, all of its atomic fuel had been removed and placed in the unit ‘s exhausted fuel storage pool. One generator continued runing to chill units 5 and 6. The loss of all AC power in units 1 to 3 prevented valves and pumps from operating that were needed to take heat and force per unit area that was being generated by the radioactive decay of the atomic fuel in the reactor cores. As the fuel rods in the reactor nucleuss overheated, they reacted with steam to bring forth big sums of H, which escaped into the unit 1, 3, and 4 reactor edifices and exploded ( the H that exploded in Unit 4 is believed to hold come from Unit 3 ) . The detonations interfered with attempts by works workers to reconstruct chilling and helped distribute radiation. Cooling was besides lost in the reactors ‘ spent fuel pools, although recent analysis has found that no important overheating took topographic point. Radioactive stuff released into the ambiance produced highly high radiation dosage rates near the works and left big countries of land uninhabitable, particularly to the Northwest of the works.Picture1. Japan Earthquake Epicentre and Nuclear Plant LocationsThe temblor on March 11, 2011, off the east seashore of Honshu, Japan ‘s largest island, reportedly caused an automatic closure of 11 of Japan ‘s 55 operating atomic power plants.5 Most of the closures proceeded without incident. However, the workss closest to the epicenter, Fukushima and Onagawa ( Refer picture 1 ) , were damaged by the temblor and ensuing tsunami. The Fukushima Daiichi works later suffered hydrogen detonations and terrible atomic fuel harm, let go ofing important sums of radioactive stuff into the environment.Picture 2.General Electric Mark I Boiling Water Reactor and Containment BuildingTokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) operates the Fukushima atomic power composite in the Futaba territory of Fuk ushima prefecture in Northern Japan, dwelling of six atomic units at the Fukushima Daiichi station and four atomic units at the Fukushima Daini station. All the units at the Fukushima composite are boiling H2O reactors ( BWRs ) , with reactors 1 to 5 at the Fukushima Daiichi site being the General Electric Mark I design ( Refer Picture 2 ) . The Fukushima Daiichi reactors entered commercial operation in the old ages from 1971 ( reactor 1 ) to 1979 ( Reactor 6 ) .Identifies whether the Fukushima atomic catastrophe is natural or man-made. Clearly explain your justification.Fukushima Daiichi atomic power works is located in the towns of Okuma and Futaba Japan. Commissioned in 1971, this works consists of six boiling H2O reactors which drove the electrical generators with a combined power of 4.7 GW, doing Fukushima Daiichi one of the 15 largest atomic power Stationss in the universe. Fukushima was the first atomic works to be designed, constructed and run in concurrence with General Electric, Boise, and Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) .The works suffered major harm from the 9.0 temblors and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 and, as of today, is non expected to reopen. The temblor and tsunami disabled the reactor chilling systems, taking to atomic radiation leaks and triping a 30 kilometer emptying zone environing the works. On April 20, 2011, the Nipponese governments declared the 20 kilometer emptying zon e a no-go country which may merely be entered under authorities supervising. Although triggered by these cataclysmal events, the subsequent accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant can non be regarded as a natural catastrophe. Damage by the temblor and the consequent tsunami could non be ruled out as direct causes of the catastrophe, nevertheless. This determination may hold serious deductions for Japan ‘s integral atomic reactors, which were shut down following the Fukushima accident. An independent probe committee accused TEPCO and regulators at the atomic and industrial safety bureau of neglecting to take equal safety steps, despite grounds that the country was susceptible to powerful temblors and tsunamis, Fukushima atomic power works accident was the consequence of collusion between the authorities, the regulators and TEPCO, and the deficiency of administration. It besides said that, â€Å" They efficaciously betrayed the state ‘s right to be safe from atomic accidents. It is believed that the root causes were the organizational and regulative systems that supported faulty principles for determinations and actions, instead than issues associating to the competence of any specific person. Therefore, the independent probe committee concluded that the accident was clearly ‘man-made ‘ that could and should hold been foreseen and prevented.Carefully observed the industrial procedure and operation of the Fukushima atomic works.Any typical atomic reactor set aside Fukushima power works is merely portion of the life-cycle for atomic power. The procedure starts with uranium mines situated belowground, open-pit, or unmoved leach mines. Atoms of U are the largest and besides the heaviest known to happen on Earth. Bing heavy they are besides really unstable. The karyon of a uranium atom can easy interrupt up into two smaller pieces. This procedure is called fission. The two fragments so produced fly apart with enormous velocity. As they collide with other atoms in a ball of U they come to a halt. In the pr ocedure they heat up the uranium ball. This is how energy is released from the atom and converted to heat. The energy produced in fission is described as atomic energy by some and atomic energy by others. In any instance, the U ore is extracted, normally converted into a stable and compact signifier such as U308, and so transported to a processing installation. Here, the U308 is converted to uranium hexafluoride, which is so enriched utilizing assorted techniques. At this point, the enriched U, incorporating more than the natural 0.7 % U-235, is used to do rods of the proper composing and geometry for the peculiar reactor that the fuel is destined for. The fuel rods will pass about 3 operational rhythms ( typically 6 old ages entire now ) inside the reactor, by and large until approximately 3 % of their U has been fissioned, so they will be moved to a spent fuel pool where the short lived isotopes generated by fission can disintegrate off. After about 5 old ages in a spent fuel pool the spent fuel is radioactively and thermally cool plenty to manage and it can be moved to dry storage casks or reprocessed. Control of operation of the atomic power station involves two things. Regulation of power coevals to keep it at a safe and steady degree and secondly entire closure of the reactor really rapidly if needed. The power is kept changeless by the usage of what are known as adjustor rods. These are unstained steel rods. When these rods are introduced into the reactor vas, the concatenation reaction slows down and heat coevals beads. If the control rods are somewhat pulled out of the reactor vas, the concatenation reaction picks up and power degree rises. In another word if the reactor gets excessively hot, the control rods are lowered in and it cools down. If that does n't work, there are sets of exigency control rods that automatically drop in and close the reactor down wholly. To shutdown the reactor wholly, the heavy H2O is drained out of the reactor vas in a fraction of a 2nd. In the absence of heavy H2O in the vas, the concatenation reaction ceases wholly. Below shows the simple proce dure for easy apprehension of Fukushima atomic Power Plant and many others. Advantages of atomic power works Nuclear power costs about the same as coal Does non bring forth fume or C dioxide, so it does non lend to the nursery consequence Produces little sums of waste. Produces immense sums of energy from little sums of fuel. Nuclear power is dependable. Disadvantages of atomic power works Nuclear power is dependable, but a batch of money has to be spent on safety – if it does travel incorrect, a atomic accident can be a major catastrophe. Although non much waste is produced, it is really unsafe. It must be sealed up and buried for many 1000s of old ages to let the radiation to decease off. For all that clip it must be kept safe from temblors, implosion therapy, terrorists and everything else.Measure the impact of the Fukushima atomic catastrophe to the society, ecology, sociology and wellness.The prostration of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant caused a monolithic release of radioactive stuffs to the environment. A prompt and dependable system for measuring the biological impacts of this accident on animate beings has non been available. The monolithic release of radioactive caused physiological and familial harm to the pale grass blue Zizeeria Maha, a common lycaenid butterfly in Japan. Samples were collected in the Fukushima country in May 2011, some of which showed comparatively mild abnormalcies. The 1st coevals offspring from the first-voltine females showed more terrible abnormalcies, which were inherited by the newer coevals. Adult butterflies collected in September 2011 showed more terrible abnormalcies than those collected in May. Similar abnormalcies were by experimentation reproduced in persons from a non-contaminated country by external and internal low-dose exposures. It is apparent that unreal radionuclides from the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant caused physiological and familial harm to this species. The ternary catastrophe has highlighted and compounded such preexistent underlying issues as falling birth rates, the fragmenting of the household unit, and the shrinkage of local communities. During the five old ages before the catastrophe, birth rates had been steadily falling in Japan. The now day-to-day concerns about radiation degrees, safe nutrient and H2O have left many immature twosomes unwilling to take on the perceived hazardous undertaking of raising kids in a unsafe environment. The prevailing tendency during the pre-quake old ages, brought about chiefly by deficiency of economic development in local communities, had been for immature people to go forth their small towns to seek higher-paid occupations in the larger towns and metropoliss, merely returning place for vacations and other jubilations. The immediate effect of this has been the diminution of small town communities. The longer-term effect will be the eroding of regional individuality, at a clip when, more than of all time, communities affected by the temblor need their younger coevals. Predicted future malignant neoplastic disease deceases due to accrued radiation exposures in the population life near Fukushima have ranged from none to 100 to a non-peer-reviewed â€Å" guestimate † of 1,000. On 16 December 2011, Nipponese governments declared the works to be stable, although it would take decennaries to decontaminate the environing countries and to decommission the works wholly.Outline the actions taken by Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) , authorities and the regulative organic structure during the happening of the Fukushima atomic catastrophe.Roadmap towards the decommissioning of Units 1-4 of TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi N uclear Power Station Cold Shutdown Condition is maintained at Unit 1-3. Measures to complement position monitoring are being implemented. Probe of the interior of Unit 1 PCV and installing of PCV thermometer and H2O gage Installation of Unit 2 RPV alternate thermometer Countermeasures against accrued H2O increased by groundwater invasion Groundwater invasion bar ( Groundwater beltway ) Removal of radioactive stuffs ( Multi-nuclide remotion equipment installing ) Storage of contaminated water/treated H2O ( Additional armored combat vehicles ) Continue execution of steps to minimise the impact of radiation on the country outside the power station Effective radiation dose decrease at the site boundaries Decrease of densenesss of radioactive stuffs included in the saltwater in the port Preparation for fuel remotion from the spent fuel pool is in advancement Debris remotion from the upper portion of Units 3-4 Reactor Building and cover installing for fuel remotion at Unit 4 Soundness probe of the fresh ( unirradiated ) fuel in Unit 4 spent fuel pool Procuring a sufficient figure of workers and work safety Guaranting the APD use and coaction with concerted companies Heat stroke bar Research and development for fuel dust remotion and radioactive waste processing and disposal Decontamination of the interior of edifices and development of the comprehensive radiation dose decrease program Probe and fix of the escape on the underside of the PCV Understanding and analysing the status of the interior of the reactor Word picture of fuel dust and readying for fuel dust processing Radioactive waste processing and disposal Strengthening of Research and Development direction Future program for research Centres Research and Development Management Headquarters Procuring and furthering human resources from a long- and-midterm position Apart from all those mentioned above, Japan have besides taken a good deal more measure as per below during the happening of the atomic power works catastrophe Probes of the Nipponese Lower House New legal limitations for exposure to radiation proposed Request for decommissioning the Tokai Daini Power works Fukushima wants all 10 atomic reactors scrapped TEPCO petition for authorities compensation At least 1 trillion hankerings needed for decontamination Majority of Nipponese atomic reactors taken off line Excess staff members for Kiev embassy Energy argument changed in Japan 40 twelvemonth bound for life span of atomic reactors Food-aid used to take down frights for contaminated nutrient abroad Okuma asked to be declared as no-go-zone Delay of linear closure in Fukushima No return-zone Evacuation zone partial lifted Monitoring the impact of radiation-exposure at the wellness of occupants Testing School tiffins Stress-tests Debris disposal Interim Storage installation Condemnable charges against NISA, NSA and TEPCO Compensation standards for former occupants of the emptying zonesPropose effectual preventative action to be strengthen by Tokyo Electric Power Company ( TEPCO ) in re-examine the atomic works safety.Before the Fukushima Dai-ichi atomic catastrophe, TEPCO did non put in topographic point tsunami protection steps as portion of its accident direction plan. The TEPCO ‘s steps against a state of affairs, in which reactor nucleuss are earnestly damaged by a natural catastrophe other than a tsunami, were besides rather lacking. This came to visible radiation from the testimony of several TEPCO functionaries during hearings conducted by this Investigation Committee. At the Fukushima Dai-ichi, three of its atomic reactors got severe coincident harm. After deluging cut off all power supply, there was no defence at all to cover with this, doing it highly hard to get by with the state of affairs. One can merely reason that TEPCO ‘s deficiency of anterior accident direction steps to cover with a tsunami was an highly serious job. However below are the guidelines TEPCO should see in re-examining the works safety The demand for independency and transparence Organizational readiness for Swift and effectual exigency response Recognition of its function as a supplier of disaster-related information to Japan and the universe Retention of ace human resources such as greater specialised expertness Attempts to roll up information and get scientific cognition Palingenesis Lack of terrible accident readiness for tsunamis Lack of consciousness of the branchings of a multidimensional catastrophe Lack of an across-the-board positionDecisionTepco Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant accident was the consequence of collusion between the authorities, regulators and the [ private works operators ] Tepco, and the deficiency of administration by the said party. They efficaciously betrayed its right to be safe from a atomic accident. Therefore, we concluded that the accident was clearly â€Å" semisynthetic † . We believe that the cause of the organisation and ordinance instead than issues related to the competency of any peculiar person. All the right failed to develop the most basic safety demands – such as measuring the chance of harm, ready to incorporate the indirect harm from any catastrophe, and develop emptying programs for the populace in instance of a serious release of radiation.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

10 Job Resources for Students You Shouldnt Miss

10 Job Resources for Students You Shouldnt Miss Looking for work as a college student can feel like a job in and of itself. Luckily, there are a number of new resources you can use to track down the job you need to get through school or even the job that can serve as a springboard for your career. Here well take a closer look at the ten best resources for job hunting while youre still in school or as you make the transition from student to full time employee. CollegeRecruiter The College Recruiter website offers more than just a place to check out new jobs in emerging career fields. They also offer help with continuing education credits and ways for employers to find recent graduates who can breathe new life into a field or simply bring a fresh perspective to a company. If youre still not sure your major will be your lifes work, College Recruiter can help with career aptitude tests and details on the best places to work. Once you find the job you want, College Recruiter helps with building your resume and tips for those more difficult interview questions as well. College Magazine – Find an Internship Internships have come under some heavy fire and criticism lately but the fact remains – if you want to get your foot in the door, an internship is your best bet. This is especially true for markets that are especially competitive, including the creative arts and multimedia focused careers. College Magazines resource offers up a streaming view of internships with clients like O Magazine, Martha Stewart Living, Reboot and the CIA. Campus Riot The team at Surviving College knows that making it through your university years is more than just being able to get good grades and (hopefully) land your dream job. Surviving College offers help and advice on everything from whether or not store loyalty cards are worth the trouble for students to tips on the best ways to find and connect with ideal companies and internships to how to start a small business before youve even graduated. Career Thoughts Career Thoughts caters to both students and those already in the working world. Their approach is simple – if youre not in a job you love, youre not in the right job. Their helpful advice centers mostly around resume building and interview skills. They also offer advice on the best ways to search for companies that are hiring or on how to spot opportunities even the company itself hasnt considered. Finding a need and proposing a solution can help you stand out from other candidates and could even allow you to create your own position within a company. Job Stock Jon Stock is the go to place for freelancers of nearly every variety. Their feed of avaialble freelance positions is regularly updated and features a wide variety of available freelance projects in areas like programming, database management, content writing, blogging, graphic design and data entry. Unlike many other freelance job websites, you can search by company rating, rate of pay and location. Intern Queen If youve never seriously considered an internship or dont know if its the right thing for you, Intern Queen can help you make some sense of it all. The Intern Queen offers more than just an updated listing of some of the most interesting internships around – she also offers real world advice on how to find, land and survive your first internship without losing your mind. Her friendly, easy to follow and easy to relate to blog can help new interns adjust to the rigors of an all work, no pay lifestyle while offering keen insights that even seasoned interns will appreciate. Career Shifters Much like your major, your chosen career field can change as you grow and develop your own set of priorities, passions and talents. Career Shifters knows that the path to complete job satisfaction isnt always straightforward and they offer help on finding a different job, a new career or a whole new path from education to the ultimate dream job. They offer advice from people who have switched gears at various points in their life and offer helpful tips, job leads and food for thought. Lindsey Pollak Lindsey Pollak is the author of Getting from College to Career: Your Essential Guide to Succeeding in the Real World and is also a LinkedIn Ambassador and keynote speaker. Basically, she knows a thing or three about using your college years as a stepping stone to your dream job. Her blog – and the entire website – can help students, recent graduates and young professionals find the resources, tips and tricks they need to succeed. Resume Companion Resumes have changed over the past few years. There was a time when simply spelling out your achievements and highlighting your education was enough to put yourself at the head of the pack but these days youll need to go that extra mile to get noticed. While there are plenty of websites, self-help books and blogs with tips on creating an eye-catching resume, Resume Companion offers a sense of humor alongside new and creative ways to stand out from the pack. With resumes for iconic characters like Batman to tongue in cheek satire, their website provides the ideal place to blow off some steam and get a few new ideas for your resume. CareerCast In terms of a one-stop job website, CareerCast offers a wealth of information, leads and help with landing a full time career, part time job or freelance work. So how do they stand out from the sea of job websites? They offer specific searches for niche fields, including Construction Disability Diversity Energy Green HealthCare Nursing Trucking Veteran With a combination of old school advice, an easily searchable database of jobs and help in targeting specific and niche industries, CareerCast stands out from the rest and will help you to do the same.

Monday, November 4, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

History - Essay Example Trench warfare was the norm, and soldiers were pitted against one another in horrible conditions. The use of mustard gas by the Germans against the British in the Second Battle of Ypres increased the horror of this war. (WW1 timeline). Valery wrote from a position of intellectual and emotional shell-shock. The scope and terror of the war left him questioning everything, and he was afraid: â€Å"We modern civilizations have learned to recognize that we are mortal like the others.† He was no longer complacent about the death of past cultures: â€Å"†¦through the misty bulk of history, huge vessels once laden with riches and learning†¦were no concern of ours.† The mind, Valery wrote, is deeply injured and may not recover from the shock of its realization that there is no longer the buffer of time. Civilization could end at any moment. The Lost Generation epitomizes the feelings of British intellectuals in WW One’s aftermath. Hugh Dalton writes of his frien d Rupert Brooke â€Å"with his passing, a bright light seemed to go out of my life, and a bright hope of the future† (The Lost Generation).

Saturday, November 2, 2019

It's about odyssey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

It's about odyssey - Essay Example As leaders of their people and key figures in the war, both men tend to cast their personal values back upon those they lead, thus presenting a generalized conception of how the Greeks and the Trojans differed in their overall world view. For this reason, it is helpful to examine these two characters in particular to gain an impression of how these two peoples differed from one another. In their approach to battle, in their adherence to the code and in the way that they each violate this code, the two men demonstrate that the differences between their people is really little more than a gloss of locality. Both Hector and Achilles can be seen to struggle with the heroic code as they prepare themselves for war. Each character has received relatively reliable information that they will be killed in the battle – Achilles through his mother, the goddess Thetis who tells him that he will not die as long as Hector lives, Hector through the pleadings of his wife who urges him to fight from the walls. While Achilles withdraws from the battle on the pretext of a feud with Menelaus, Hector spurns his wife’s pleading to honor the heroic code that insists a true warrior should not hide behind the walls of a fortress rather than stand tall on the plain. Andromache provides him with a moment of foresight as she tells him, â€Å"your valour will bring you to destruction; think on your infant son, and on my hapless self who ere long shall be your widow – for the Achaeans will set upon you in a body and kill you† (Book VI). It isn’t until after Hector kills Patroclus , Achilles’ most devoted friend, who is wearing Achilles’ armor, that Achilles is finally driven to re-enter the war. â€Å"Hector’s words following this action show that he does not realize his own limitations and that he could never have been so successful without the help of Zeus† (Lefkowitz, 2003, p. 66) and the other gods.